Holistic, compassionate community outreach with a Gospel focus.


"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

Living in community with an indigenous tribe in a provincial area of the Philippines gives our family daily opportunities to love people in Jesus' name. Whether through leadership development and Bible studies, expanding nutrition through agriculture or sharing compassionately with the sick, we seek to follow Jesus' example. 

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The Russell Family talk about the importance of discipleship in their ministry with the Ati people in the Philippines.

Rusty and Kristin are blessed to serve along with their son Jon and his wife Nica as well as Mark and Matthew still at home. As an additional blessing, their son Levi has committed to a one-year internship with ag ministry through 2025.

The Russells help facilitate the Great Commission Bible Institute-Philippines, the first of it’s kind in Asia! Students study the Bible verse by verse for an intensive training that equips them to know what they believe, and share it with the world God has called them too!



Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and how you can partner with us in prayer for this work.

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