Prayer is the backbone of this ministry. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 (ESV)

  • Pray for the students at the Great Commission Bible Institute, that God will send us the students He desires for us to teach. Pray that students and staff will persevere and continue in their hunger to study the Word.

  • Pray for the young children in the community who are facing malnutrition due to the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and inflation in the country. The economic impact has set the work nutritionally back 10 years, pray for the 2-6 year olds who are most vulnerable. Pray specifically for Adriel, a baby with cleft lip and palate and the young children who have lost a parent this year who are especially vulnerable.

  • Pray for those impacted by the uptick in tuberculous cases due to the shutdown of the treatment centers during the pandemic. Many are still hesitant to seek medical care, out of fear of Covid protocols still in place in the medical system in the second half of 2024!

  • Pray that unity in Christ would once again be a theme among those who know Jesus in the tribal community. Pray against the attack of the enemy who seeks to divide and destroy God’s work here.

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