We partner with tribal leadership to seek long term, sustainable solutions to the challenges facing their community.
Our Mission
We envision a day when through genuine life transformation in Jesus, there will be a healthy, indigenous church within the Ati community with the skills, abilities and desires to replicate in other indigenous tribes.
“Your “love in action” makes the Gospel clear and solid to the Ati people.”
WAys we share the love of Christ:
Offer income producing opportunities through Ati Original native crafts and agriculture endeavors like the first hydroponic lettuce greenhouse in Malay, Aklan
Assist local pastors and lay leaders in the operation of the Great Commission Bible Institute-Philippines
Invest in youth and young adults while teaching the Gospel
Provide compassionate medical advocacy and assistance with medicines when needed in times of medical crisis
Disciple church leadership
Teach natural agriculture methods and sharing seeds and seedlings
Partner with community leadership for future community development
Champion access to safe water
Encourage students to complete their education
Sponsor indigenous college students