Our mission is powered by three things:

1. The love of Jesus Christ

2. The power of prayer

3. Generous people who give to make our work possible

You can make a difference. 



Your donation allows us to minister to the community. The majority (60+%) of our budget goes directly to projects and ministry in the tribe. Your monthly donation keeps the work continuing month after month. Special one time donations can fund projects that benefit the community in the long term. 

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about the work the Lord is doing in the Philippines. A great way to make an impact is to become an active advocate yourself. Join now and make an impact!


Contact us to find out about opportunities to bring your family, small group or others to visit us and minister along side us in the Philippines. Email us at krussell@nmsi.org

Clean up after Typhoon Ursula will be long for this community who lost significant portions of their roofs and/or simple native homes. Many trees fell in the community, some on homes. Praise God for His provision of a chainsaw to aid in the recovery…

Clean up after Typhoon Ursula will be long for this community who lost significant portions of their roofs and/or simple native homes. Many trees fell in the community, some on homes. Praise God for His provision of a chainsaw to aid in the recovery.